What kind of Bellydancer am I?

Vintage and ATS® are both fun and rewarding styles of bellydance but sometimes our hearts call out to one more, so....which are you?!

Acker Night bellydance zillsATS®

I am looking for a low-impact form of exercise

I love earthy costumes

Collaboration is my middle name! I love working in groups

Choreography just does not play well with my brain and feet

I crave structure

I would prefer not having to remember how to do one move 10 different ways 



Ustadza Azra bellydanceVintage

I want to float and travel when I dance

Bring on the glitter and the shiny!!!!

I like working with a group but prefer being on my own

Choreography? Yes, tell me what to do!

I want to just feel the music and be able to dance

I love the variety of movement classic bellydance offers




Compare the number yeses in each category to see which class you should sign up for.  If they are even try both!